From SB-Components Wiki
1.14" LCD Breakout
1.14 inch LCD Breakout is a 1.14-inch display breakout with a resolution of 240 135 pixels, 65K RGB colours, and a crisp and colorful showing effect, built specifically for cross-platform to broaden its involvement via SPI communication by including a GPIO header. The ST7789 Driver and SPI Interface are included in the 1.14 Inch LCD Breakout, reducing the number of IO pins required.
- 4-wire SPI Communication
- Cross-Platform support
- SPI Interface
- 1.14 inch display
- Voltage Level Shifter
- Operating Voltage - 3.3 V / 5V
- Display Size - 24.91 × 14.86mm
- Pixels - 240×135 resolution
- Pixel Size - 0.1101 × 0.1035mm
- Display Colour - 65K RGB
- Display Driver - ST7789
- Voltage Level Shifter - TXB0108PWR

1.14" LCD Breakout | Description |
GND | Ground Supply |
VCC | Power Supply 3.3V - 5V DC |
DIN | Serial Data Input / Output |
CLK | Serial Clock |
CS | Chip select input pin ("Low" enable) |
DC | Display data / Command selection pin DC='1': Display data. DC='0': Command data |
RST | Reset Pin. Initialize the chip with a low input |
BL | Blacklight Control. High: Blacklight on Low: Blacklight off. |
If you are using Arduino Ide, you can use the above library.
PICO RP2040 (MicroPython)
- For running this HAT, you require these components :
- Raspberry Pi Pico X 1
- 1.14" LCD Breakout X 1
- USB Cable X 1
- Copy or clone code from Github.
- Connect 1.14 inch LCD breakout with Raspberry Pi Pico as shown in the below pinout.
1.14" LCD Breakout | PICO Pins |
VCC | 3.3V / 5V |
LCD DIN | GP11 |
LCD CLK | GP10 |
LCD DC | GP8 |
LCD CS | GP9 |
LCD RST | GP12 |
LCD BL | GP13 |
- Press and hold BOOTSEL pin of Raspberry Pi Pico and connect the USB cable, it will create a drive as RPI-RP2.
- Now drag and drop or copy and paste firmware.uf2 file from firmware folder to RPI-RP2 Drive. It will reboot your raspberry pi pico.
- Open Thonny IDE and Choose interpreter as MicroPython (Raspberry Pi pico).
- Now you can run example codes from the Pico_Example_mpy folder in Thonny Ide. For example, Open the hello.py file in thonny and click on the green play button to run this example.
It will print "Hello World!" on LCD.
Working Example
- This module was tested on Raspberry Pi Pico. You need to provide a SPI object and the pin to use for the DC pin of the screen.
import machine import st7789 spi = SPI(1, baudrate=40000000, sck=Pin(10), mosi=Pin(11)) tft = st7789.ST7789(spi, 135, 240, reset=Pin(12, Pin.OUT), cs=Pin(9, Pin.OUT), dc=Pin(8, Pin.OUT), backlight=Pin(13, Pin.OUT), rotation=3) tft.init()
Functions and Arguments
st7789.ST7789(spi, width, height, reset, dc, cs, backlight, rotation, buffer_size)
required arguments:
`spi` spi device `width` display width `height` display height
optional args:
`reset` reset pin `dc` dc pin `cs` cs pin `backlight` backlight pin `rotation` 0-0 degrees, 1-90 degrees, 2-180 degrees, 3-270 degrees `buffer_size` 0= buffer dynamically allocated and freed as needed.
If buffer_size is specified then it must be large enough to contain the largest bitmap, font character, and/or JPG used (Rows * Columns *2 bytes). Specifying a buffer_size reserves memory for use by the driver or else memory required for the data will be allocated dynamically as per the data size. Dynamic allocation can cause heap fragmentation so garbage collection (GC) should be enabled.
This driver supports only 16bit colors in RGB565 notation.
Turn on the backlight pin if one was defined during init.
Turn off the backlight pin if one was defined during init.
ST7789.pixel(x, y, color)
Set the specified pixel to the given color.
ST7789.line(x0, y0, x1, y1, color)
Draws a single line with the provided color from (x0, y0) to (x1, y1).
ST7789.hline(x, y, length, color)
Draws a single horizontal line with the provided color and length in pixels. Along with vline, this is a fast version with reduced number of SPI calls.
ST7789.vline(x, y, length, color)
Draws a single horizontal line with the provided color and length in pixels.
ST7789.rect(x, y, width, height, color)
Draws a rectangle from (x, y) with corresponding dimensions
ST7789.fill_rect(x, y, width, height, color)
Fill a rectangle starting from (x, y) coordinates
Source code credit: https://github.com/russhughes/st7789_mpy