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Micro:Bit Servo Driver
Micro:bit Servo Driver is a motor driver from which one can control up to 16 motors simultaneously. If you're building a robot with a lot of moving parts, or if you need to monitor a lot of servo motors with PWM yields, the microcontroller's limited PWM yields will be a big problem. The most important thing you can do to solve this problem is to obtain a 16-Channel 12-Bit PWM/Servo Driver.
- Adjustable frequency PWM up to about 1.6 KHz
- Up to 16-Channel servo/PWM outputs, 12-bit resolution for each channel (4096 scales)
- 3 pin connectors in groups of 4 so you can plug in 16 servos at once
- This board/chip uses an I2C 7-bit address
- Expansion Headers for easy connections
- I2C controlled and external power supply connector
- Compatible with Micro:bit and Micro:bit V2
- External Power supply: 5V OR 6V (Via power supply connector)
- Servo voltage: 5V
- Logic voltage: 3.3V
- Driver: PCA9685
- Control interface: I2C

Buy it From : Click Here
PIN | micro:bit Pins |
VCC | Power (5V/6V) (Via External source) |
GND | Ground |
SDA | P20 |
SCL | P19 |
Drag and Drop
- Before starting, you need these components :
- Servo driver x 1
- Micro:Bit x 1
- Servo Motor x 1
- External Supply (6-12V) x 1
- Connect micro:bit on stackable connector of Servo driver board as shown below.
- Visit the official programming website of Micro:bit https://makecode.microbit.org/
- Now create a new project by clicking on the "New project" tab and enter the name of your project.
- A user needs to add an extension for Servo driver via clicking on the tab Advanced >> Extensions and enter the mentioned URL below in the search box.
- Click on the Search button after entering the above URL, Now look for the search result to add the extension to the project(current).
- Now you can Control your up to 16 servo motor by using servo motor driver Extension drag and drop blocks as shown in the below example. Once done with blocks, click on the download button to upload it to your microbit.
- Connect Servo Motor on any pin ranging between 0-15, and connect external 6-12V power supply on Black terminal block as shown in below circuit.