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Raspberry Pi Motor Driver HAT
Motor Driver HAT for Raspberry Pi is a module designed to control 2 DC motors simultaneously with I2C communication. It has a powerful onboard chip PCA9685 which provides 12-bit hardware PWM to adjust the motor speed. The logic voltage is 3.3 V with the motor driver TB6612FNG. It can be powered from a battery through the VIN terminal which makes a better experience for the user.
- Standard Raspberry Pi 40 Pin GPIO Extension Header
- 5V Regulator
- Current up to 3A
- I2C control interface with 5 address selection jumper.
- I2C Controller Pins
- 12-bit hardware PWM For Speed Adjustment of Motor
- Control 2 DC Motor Simultaneously
- Logic voltage: 3.3V
- Power supply: 6V~12V (VIN terminal)
- PWM driver: PCA9685
- Motor driver: TB6612FNG
- Control interface: I2C

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Motor Driver HAT | BCM |
VCC | 5V |
SDA | GPIO 2 |
SCL | GPIO 3 |
- Stack Motor driver HAT on Raspberry Pi 40 Pin header.
- Connect peripherals with Motor driver HAT as shown in below circuit diagram and turn on slider switch to turn on the Raspberry Pi.
- Now open the terminal and run the below command to clone the Github repository of Motor driver HAT.
git clone https://github.com/sbcshop/Motor-Driver-HAT.git
- Now enter the downloaded folder by running the below command
cd Motor-Driver-HAT
- Now run the "Demo.py" python file by running the below command to move motors.
python3 Demo.py