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Pico Cube
Pico Cube is a 4x4x4 LED cube HAT for Raspberry Pi Pico with 5V DC operating voltage. Pico cube, a monochromatic( Red, Blue, Green) with 64 LED, is a fun way to learn programming. It is designed to perform incandescent operations with low energy consumptions, robust outlook, and easy installation that make people/kids/users learn the effects of LED lights with a different pattern of colours via the combination of software and hardware i.e. Raspberry Pi Pico.
- Standard 40 Pins Raspberry Pi Pico Header
- GPIO Based Communication
- 64 High-Intensity Monochromatic LED
- Individual LED access
- Each Layer Access
- Operating Voltage - 5V
- Colors - Red/Green/Blue
- Communication - GPIO
- LED - 64

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- Stack Raspberry Pi Pico on the female header of Pico cube.
- Connect USB cable on Raspberry Pi Pico USB port.
- Choose interpreter as MicroPython (Raspberry Pi Pico).
- Download Pico Cube repository from the below link:
Source code: https://github.com/sbcshop/PICO-CUBE
- Open "demo.py" from the downloaded repository of Pico Cube in Thonny IDE and Click on the Green play button to run the code.
It will run a different LED pattern on Pico Cube. You can also modify this code to put your own creativity.